Pierre Eugène MONTEZIN
1874–1946, France

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, Man with two ladies in a garden, signed "Montezin", 37x45 cm. Police in Stockholm Sweden was contacted by a Intendent at a Scandinavian online auction houses on the grounds that they received a sales assignment of this painting signed Montezin. The auction house suspected it was a forgery. Examination of the painting showed that the signature had been painted later, on top of the varnish, it does not match the artist's way of signing. The man who submitted the painting stated that he had bought it at auction in England. He wanted it to be cataloged as unknown artist and that the price was of no importance, which was strange because a more likely starting price would be 100,000-200,000 SEK. (ca. 11,000-22,000 euro).

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine