Severin NILSON
1846–1918, Sweden
Also known as: SN

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, depicting children and dog in landscape, signed "Severin Nilsson." Part of a large police seizures of counterfeit art from the early 2000's. The district court's assessment: The painting is not done by Nilson. The signature has been forged to apparently represent a genuine work by Nilson. The painting should be forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, signed Severin Nilson, 40x80 cm. The signature on the painting has been moved from the lower left corner to the lower right corner. The left is painted over and Severin Nilson's signature reacts as younger than the painting in general. The painting is not made by Severin Nilson. It is not near his technique or skill. It is not sufficiently nuanced regarding light and color. The painting gives the impression of kitsch. The district court's assessment: The painting is not done by the Severin Nilson nor signed by him. The painting is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, 40x72 cm, signed Severin Nilsson, on the lower right corner is an area that has been painted with new color. In the lower left corner is a signature attached, with color that is not in the palette. The signature is below the varnish. The painting is not done by Severin Nilsson, but by an amateur. It is probably a copy of another similar painting. The District Court's assessment: The painting is a forgery and not signed by Severin Nilsson.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, depicting landscapes with houses, 46x35 cm, signed Severin Nilsson. The area of the painting's lower left corner is have been processed following that it has been signed. The signature is on top of the varnish. A painting of mediocre quality. It is not painted by Severin Nilsson. An idyllic painting typical of the 1800's second half. The district court's assessment: The painting is not done by Nilson nor signed by him. The signature has been forged later than its being made. The painting should be forfeited.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine