1916, Germany/France

Birth 1916, Germany

Adolphe Cieslarczyk moved from Düsseldorf to France with his Polish parents in 1922. He was granted French nationality in 1932 and has lived and worked in Fumel(France) since then. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Nancy from 1934 to 1938, where the geometric-abstract concepts of Lhote, Herbin and Gleizes were to have an enduring influence on his work, not only as a painter, but also as a sculptor. His friendship with Roger Bissière has also been a determining influence on his way of working. Cieslarczyk’s oeuvre is represented in the collections of various museums in France and Germany. He currently makes his three dimensional work from plexiglas. The oil painting from 1952 shown is a semi-abstract in pure colours, in which the title is an aid to the interpretation of the work.
