1902–1976, Russia/France
Also known as: AL
Non-figurative painter of so called Second Paris School. André Lanskoy studied at the Page School in Petersburg. Having moved to Kiev, attended A.A. Ekster’s studio. During the Civil war, he was a volunteer in the White Army. After evacuation to Constantinople, he got to Paris. There he attended the Grande Chaumi?re and the studio of S.J. Sudeykin. In 1923, he participated in the ‘Blow’ exhibition of Russian artists. He exhibited at the Paris Salons, had one-man shows in Paris galleries. Since 1937, under the influence of V.V. Kandinsky and P. Klee, he turned to non-figurative art. The artist’s works are in the museums of modern art in Paris, Antwerp, Manheim, Philadelphia, Toledo, and Rio-de-Janeiro
Source: http://sovcom.ru/index.php?category=painters&painterstype=painter&painter=170