Charles Francois DAUBIGNY
1817–1878, France

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, 40x50 cm, signed Daubigny. The painting is covered with a thick layer of varnish. The investigation of UV-light can no changes detected, only fresher retouching. This is a French landscape painting that was painted during the years 1930-1950 by Barbrizon-school, Daubigny belonged. This painting, however, is painted in the late 1800's. The technology, towed without elasticity and is probably made of a latecomer to Barbrizon-school. It is not made of Daubigny and appears to be signed later. Daniel Wildenstein, Fondation Wildenstein, Paris, which is the most authoritative scholar of French-century art in 1800's, has investigated and made a statement about the painting. The District Court's assessment: Derkert data and Daniel Wildenstein, Fondation Wildensteins report shows that the painting is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, landscapes with houses in background, signed "Daubigny." Technical examination with infrared light shows scratch marks in the underlying paint layer, under the veneer on the lower left corner. The area has since been painted over with new color. After that a new, forged, the signature has been painted. Even in the lower right corner is an area that is painted over with new color. The painting is from 1880-1890's and has been doubled by a professional. This painting is painted by Daubigny. It is a characteristic motif of Barbrizonskolan and was painted by someone who continued the school's traditions. The district court's assessment: The painting has been painted by Charles Franco Daubigny nor signed by him. It is a forgery.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine