Christian ROHLFS
1849–1938, Germany

Also known as: CR, CRS

Name Christian ROHLFS
Birth 1849, Germany
Died 1938, Germany

Christian Rohlfs biography:

The German painter Christian Rohlfs studied under Paul Thumann at the Art School Weimar. In 1901, he accepted a teaching position at the Folkwang School in Weimar. After the ‘degenerate art’ exhibition in Munich in 1937, hundreds of his works were confiscated and shortly before his death, Rohlfs was banned from painting and was excluded from the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin. His expressive oeuvre shows primarily naturalistic works in the early years at Weimar, and later developed impressionist and finally distinctive expressionist qualities. In his time in Ascona (since 1927) Rohlfs consistently refined his typical technique of the water tempera especially in his flower paintings.
