Eanger Irving COUSE
1866–1936, USA

Name Eanger Irving COUSE
Birth 1866, USA
Died 1936

Couse was born in Saginaw, Michigan, where he encountered the Chippewa Indians in that region at the beginning of his training in art. As his momentum progressed, he attended the Art Institute of Chicago, the National Academy of Design and the Academie Julian and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. His earlier paintings reflected his academic training with Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury, with attention to detailed realism and palette. At the Academie Julian he met the American artist, Joseph Henry Sharp This particular painting may be of the earlier era because of the use of a more traditional academic palette. Later works appear to be more tonal, with colors now more identified with the American southwest. At the Academie Julian he met the American artist Joseph Henry Sharp, who spoke at length of Taos. He first visited Taos in 1902 and established a residence there in 1906, focusing on the Pueblo area for the remainder of his career. In 1912 when the Taos Society of Artists was formed, Couse was elected its first President. The common thread of his mature work is extremely contemplative, conveying the dignity of the traditional Native American culture.

Source: http://www.aspireauctions.com