1978, Sweden

Name Daniel GÖTESSON
Birth 1978, Sweden

Daniel Götesson (1978), known as EKTA, is a Swedish artist, currently based in Gothenburg.

EKTA works across numerous mediums, encompassing drawing, collage, painting, sculpture, textile, large wall works, animation, performance, installation, and music. His practice is characterized by a willingness to take bold risks, both in its literal sense as well as artistically. In the context of where he makes his work and in his ongoing investigation into new materials and visual language. When discussing his work, EKTA emphasizes the importance of failure as a way of moving forward, and challenging established structures. This subversive nature of his work, comes through both in his process and use of materials as well as in his imagery, ranging from pure abstraction to combining formal elements with figurative elements, often appropriating patterns, symbols, iconography and figures in outlines or as colored silhouettes. / Bea Marklund

Source: www.ekta.nu