1940, Austria

Name Eva LOOTZ
Birth 1940, Austria
Lived & Active In Madrid, Spain

Eva Lootz studied philosophy, musicology and film direction in the School of Cinematography and Television of Vienna. At the end of the 1960s she moved to Spain, where she began to exhibit her work.

The work of Eva Lootz, through videos, felts, drawings, sculptures and installations has evolved towards the creation of intersensorial and all-enveloping spaces. Lootz plays with the duality of naming and showing in order to bring into view whatever lies hidden in the shadow of Western rationality. Her sculptural work, generally consisting of spatial complexes, usually take physical properties and temporal processes as the starting point in order to stage a kind of grammar of matter (liquids, paraffins, metals, sands), tracing out ways they overlap with history via the process of being obtained, refined, used and traded, as well as their sedimentation in language.

Her recent exhibitions are Drawing as Thought. (SkissernasMuseum - Museum of Public Art. Lund. Suecia, 2011), La lengua de los pájaros (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía - Madrid, 2002) and Hidrotopías-la escritura del agua (Fundación Suñol, Barcelona, 2009). She has undertaken numerous interventions in public spaces, such as “NO-MA-DE-JA-DO”, on the Isla de la Cartuja (Expo’92), “Endless Flow” (Silkeborg, Denmark, 2002), “Proyecto Recoletos” (Madrid, 2004) and “La oreja parlante”, an installation on the right bank of the River Ebro in Zaragoza (Expo’08). She has taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca and has given courses and lectures at other faculties of Fine Arts in Spain, Sweden and the USA, at the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Prado Museum. In 1994 she won the Spanish National Award for Fine Arts.

Source: http://www.evalootz.com/ http://www.liveartarchive.eu/archive/artist/eva-lootz