Frans Wilhelm ODELMARK
1849–1937, Sweden
Also known as: FWO

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil painting on canvas signed FW Odelmark, 70x43 cm. The painting has been restored and in the lower right corner reacts color of a suspicious manner when it is illuminated with UV light. It is possible that these are merely a reinforcement of the signature. The choice of subjects is like Odelmark but the painting is not painted by Odelmark. This painting is painted with an opaque color. Odelmark used a technique where paint is not opaque. In particular, the stones are not like Odelmark way to paint. The painting lacks Odelmark quality and use of materials. Although signature appears incorrect. The District Court's assessment: The painting gives the wrong impression of being carried out by Odelmark. It is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil painting on canvas,28x23 cm, signed F.W.O. 1910. Lower right corner has been painted over and the signature has been moved to the lower left corner. Color and material indicates that the painting dates from the late 1800's, but the painting itself seems fresher than the material. The painting is made in Odelmark style. It is a direct study or copy without technological ambitions. It can be painted by a professional artist in the 1900s. The District Court's assessment: The painting has a new signature and therefore become a forgery.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine