Franz Xaver FUHR
1898–1973, Germany

Name Franz Xaver FUHR
Birth 1898, Germany
Died 1973, Germany

Franz Xaver Fuhr biography:

Franz Xaver Fuhr was born in Mannheim-Neckarau on 23 September 1898. As a painter Fuhr was an autodidact. Obeying his father's wishes, he learned the painter's trade. When Fuhr presented his watercolours at the Mannheim Kunsthalle for appraisal, the Kunsthalle immediately bought several works. As a token of his high esteem of Fuhr's work the director of the Kunsthalle, Gustav Hartlaub, offered the artist financial support as well as a studio and an apartment in the Mannheim palace. The artist exhibited watercolours in the autumn exhibition at the Berlin Akademie in 1927 as well as at the Gallery Nierendorf in 1928. Exhibitions in Danzig, Königsberg, Düsseldorf and Lübeck followed. Fuhr was admitted to the Deutscher Künstlerbund and participated regularly in the association's exhibitions. A sign of public appraisal was the award of the Prize of the Preußische Akademie and the Villa-Romana-Prize in 1930 and 1931. During this period Fuhr's work is characterised by a delicate, flowing colour combined with a grid-like, austere linearity which structures the composition. The artist consistently elaborated this compositional principle during the early 1930s. His works became less austere for the benefit of a more painterly aspect. The deteriorating economic situation and the effects of National Socialist cultural politics also effected Fuhr. The Städtische Kunsthalle took his works off show as early as 1934 and three years later 23 of his works were confiscated in German museums. Several works were shown in the exhibition 'Degenerate Art'. Fuhr was banned from pursuing his profession. When his apartment in Mannheim was hit during an air-raid in 1943 the painter decided to leave his home town. He moved to Nabburg, where he stayed until 1950, and then took up residence in Regensburg. The painter was appointed professor at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich in 1946, a post which he held for 20 years. Franz Xaver Fuhr retreated during the last years of his life and died on 16 December 1973.
