1851–1903, Denmark

Also known as: GH, Billing

Name Gustav, Adolf HOLMBOM
Birth 1851, 28/5, Denmark
Died 1903
Lived & Active In Denmark

Gustav Adolf Billing Holmbom (also known as Gustav Adolph Bilberg Holmbom) was born in Roskilde 28th May 1851 the 2nd son to Roskilde master painter Jens Peter Holmbom and Karen Sophie Schiellerup a descendant of the Reformation Bishop of Bergen Jens Schiellerup (- d.1582). He followed his father in Roskilde to learn the painting trade at least until 1870. Two other Holmbom brothers followed their father to be master painter in Roskilde. Another brother William Christian Holmbom became a watchmaker in Soho, London, then in Pennsylvania USA.

In 1885 Gustav was married and working in Kongens Lyngby, where his father was born, living at Sofievej 25. By 1890 Gustav was living in Mariendalsvej, Copenhagen and was working as landscape painter. By 1901 he had moved his family to Guldbergsgade, Copenhagen. He married Sophie Philippa Henriette Wagner and had one daughter Emma Fritse Sofie in 1874. He must have died before 1916 as in 1916 his wife Sofie Philippa Henriette Holmbom in the census is a widower. She again is listed as widower in the 1930 census where she is living in Blomsgade, Copenhagen.
