Jacques YANKEL
1920–2004, France
Yankel Jacob Kikoine “Jacques Yankel” (1920-2004) French painter. Son of the French painter Michel Kiloine (Ecole de Paris). Was a geologist by training.
Started painting only after 1945, in the tradition of the Ecole de Paris. His style changed from Expressionism to Abstract Expressionism. His works were exhibited in Suillerot, Royale and Drouant-David Galleries. He won several honorary prizes among them the Prix Neumann, Prix de l’Afrique du Nord and Prix du la Societe des Amateurs d’Art.
Modern painting use to communicate with the outside reality: The one where Jacques Yankel find his view to the world. Happy painting?
It might be hereditary. Kikoîne, Yankel’s father was an good and an happy man.
Source: http://rogallery.com/Yankel/Jacques_Kikione_Yankel-biography.htm