1934, Czech Republic
Jaromír E. Brabenec. Born August the 4th, 1934 in Horní Počernice, near Praha.
Studies and practice:
Gymnasium Praha Liben (1944-1952)
porcelain painter (Dux Duchcov) aviation mechanic (Aero Vysocany)
private lessons in creative art (tutor: Prof. Holecek
graduated from the Faculty of Technology (1959, dipl. ing.
Institute of Agricultural Science)
designer (Projekta Praha, 1960-67)
member of the Association of the Czech Visual Artists (from 1966)
Konstfackskolan Stockholm (1968-1969)
Experimental Workshop KKV (Konst. Kollekt. Verkstad) in Stockholm (enamel, graphic and repro technology, foto, 1970-1976)
Dansmuseet (The Dance Museum) Stockholm (1985-1987)
Lessebo AB Sweden (Handpaper manufacture,1990 and 1994)
Pedagogical posts:
Tollare Folkhögskola, Konsthantverk, Sweden (1974-1983),
Accademia di Capri, Itálie (1984).
Represented in collections:
Czech Museum of Visual Art, Prague
Gallery of Modern Art, Hradec Králové
Gallery of Visual Art, Ostrava
Moderna Muséet, Stockholm)
Konstmuséet, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Museum för dekorativ konst), Lund, Sweden
Bennington College, Vermont, USA
Postmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
Private collections in Spain, Mexico etc.