1920–1999, France

Birth 1920, France
Died 1999

Fransk billedkunstner og grafiker.

Studerede på ”Ècole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs” og rejste til Italien og Algeriet for at udvide sin kunstneriske uddannelse.

Hans første separatudstilling fandt sted i 1943 på slottet i Montbéliard. Han var påvirket af Klee’s arbejder og af sin kontakt med kunstkritikeren Charles Estienne, der allerede i 1950 følte, at den geometriske abstraktion var ved at føre til en ny akademisme, og var fortaler for et friere og mere lyrisk billedudtryk. Messagier gjorde sine farver lysere, så de næsten var transparente, og anvendte brede, spontane penselstrøg. Hans landskaber fra Franche-Comté, som f.eks. ”Après-midi montante” (1958; Eindhoven, Stedel. Van Abbemus.), udtrykte hans følsomhed over for naturen og årstidernes rytme. Fra 1960 begyndte han at udstille i udlandet og deltog i nogle af de større, internationale begivenheder som en repræsentant for en ny retning i det franske maleri. Han omsatte også sin smidige penselføring til adskillige graveringer, og fra 1968 var han påvirket af den amerikanske popart.

Børge Birch lærte meget tidligt, Messagier at kende og de blev venner. Det førte til flere succesfulde separatudstillinger i Galerie Birch - den første var i 1962 og den blev fulgt op i årene 66-77-79. Messagier har desuden været med på adskillige blandede udstillinger i Galerie Birch bl.a. med COBRA.

Udvalgte udstillinger og repræsentationer
Galerie Arc-en-Ciel, Paris
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles
Gallery Warren, New York
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Gallery Le Febre, New York
Musée de Montbélliard
Galleria L´Arco, Rom
Prudhoe Gallery, London
Stadelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Galerie Benador, Geneve
Royal Academy of Arts, London
Musée National d´art Moderne, Paris
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Museum of Modern Art, Israel
Art Museum, Cincinnati
National Gallery, Johannesburg
Tate Gallery, London

Repræsenteret på følgende danske museer
Randers Kunstmuseum


French painter and graphic artist

Studied at ”École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs” and travelled to Italy and Algeria to widen his artistic education.

Jean Messagier first solo exhibition took place in 1943 at the castle in Montbéliard. He was influenced by Klee´s artwork and his contact with the art critic Charles Estienne who already in 1950, felt that the geometric abstraction was leading to a new academicism and was spokesman for a more free and lyric picturesque expression. Messagier made his colours brighter so they almost looked transparent and used wide spontaneous brushstrokes. His landscapes from Franche-Comté, for example ”Après-midi montante” (1958; Eindhoven, Stedel. Van Abbemus.), expressed his sensitivity towards the nature and the seasons of the years rhythm. From 1960 he begins to exhibit abroad and participate in some of the bigger international events as a representative of a new direction in the French painting. He also realized his lithe strokes of the brush to numerous engravings and from 1968 he was influenced by the American pop art.

Børge Birch was very early acquainted with Messagier and they soon became friends. That led to several successful solo exhibitions in Galerie Birch – the first one in 1962 at this was followed by others in 66-77-79. Jean Messagier has also participated in numerous mixed exhibitions in Galerie Birch, amongst others with the COBRA-Movement.

Selected exhibitions and representations
Galerie Arc-en-Ciel, Paris
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
Gallery Warren, New York
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Gallery Le Febre, New York
Musée de Montbélliard
Galleria L´Arco, Rome
Prudhoe Gallery, London
Stadelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Galerie Benador, Geneva
Royal Academy of Arts, London
Louisiana, Denmark
Musée National d´art Moderne, Paris
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Museum of Modern Art, Israel
Art Museum, Cincinnati
National Gallery, Johannesburg
Tate Gallery, London

Represented at the following Danish Museum
Randers Kunstmuseum
