1854–1946, Sweden
Also known as: JN, Stoopendaal-Nyström

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, motif with Santa on sleigh, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 19,5x12 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2010. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, motifs with a boy, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 22x17,5 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, motifs with girl and bird in the tree branch, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 20,5x16 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, subjects with cat playing drum, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 20x16 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, motifs with girl, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 17x13 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, motives: Boy with cow, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 20x19 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized at an auction house in Sweden 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, designs with a Santa and horse, signed "Jenny Nyström", size 28x19 cm. Ostensibly representing a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting was seized in a major auction house, 2015. Court decision: Examination and expert opinion showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour 24x37 cm. An attempt to plagiarize Jenny Nyström ways to paint the children, which have failed. This can easily be found in a comparison with the original painting. The faltering signature also failed. The original is a model for Christmas magazine "Children's Christmas" in 1911. This may have been used as a model for the forgery. (The original is sold at auction in April 1997, No. 282, for 110.000 SEK).

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor 18x13,8 cm, Motif "ski jumper" Boy on skis float in the air above snow-covered tree tops. The painting was one of the major auction houses in Stockholm for sale in 2010. Suspicion arose that there could be a forgery. The painting was referred to the police and the investigation revealed that the signature has been manipulated. The boy's face and the trees are other details that fit poorly with Jenny Nyström's original: Postcard "Happy New Year" from 1909, nr. 6235, Axel Eliasson's publishing house in Stockholm. Note. Tribunal: The signature on the painting must be deleted, then the painting is returned to the owner. Warning: The painting can come on the market again as an original work by Jenny Nyström, unsigned or with a new forged signature.

Signature proven counterfeit
Gouache, motif with skiers with torch, signed "Jenny Nyström", 24x23 cm. Ostensibly representing a genuine work of the Swedish famous artist Jenny Nyström. A private person submitting two counterfeit paintings for sale at an online auction house in Stockholm, Sweden in February 2014, signed "Jenny Nyström" and "NN Skum". Submitter was an art dealer and stated that he was the representative of a decedent's estate, represented by a woman. She stated in interrogation that the paintings come from her father, who died in 2013 and she did not know anything about the paintings. The paintings have been fully assessed. They are counterfeit and have been forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour. The painting had been submitted to an auction house in Stockholm for sale. Suspicion that it was a forgery occurred, and the painting was confiscated by the police for further investigation. The investigation revealed that the painting was a forgery. The district court's assessment: The painting has not been performed by Jenny Nyström nor signed by her. The painting is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour. The painting had been submitted to an auction house in Stockholm for sale. Suspicion that it was a forgery occurred, and the painting was confiscated by the police for further investigation. The investigation revealed that the painting was a forgery. The district court's assessment: The painting has not been performed by Jenny Nyström nor signed by her. The painting is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour 20x17 cm. Very poor copy of Jenny Nyström's painting from Christmas in (ca.) 1930. Changed details are the child sitting to the right of Santa Claus. The the child is missing from Jenny Nyström's original, and it's 9 pc small birds instead of 7 pcs. Moreover, they are mismatched. The signature is also very poorly executed. Jenny Nyström's original was sold at Söderköpings auction house, in Sweden, in November 1992 to 32.000 SEK. Later on Bukowski, in November 1999 for 25.000 SEK.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor 21x16,5 cm. A well-known Jenny Nyström motifs that have been copied and tragically distorted. There is almost not a single detail from the vicinity of Jenny Nyström's original Christmas card no. 7592 from 1916, Axel Eliasson's publishers in Sweden, which is found quite easy in comparison.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor 19.5 x15 cm. Santa Claus is definitely not a Jenny-Santa Claus either in design or in color. The background is the wrong style and also fictional. The signature is bad. Role model to the subject is a New Year's card number. 1900 from 1927, Axel Eliasson's publishers, Sweden. In the original there are no trees as the moon rests on. The card is not one of the most common.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour, 22x19 cm. All the details in the painting is markedly different from Jenny Nyström's original. The original was sold in 1999 at the auction house Bukowski in Sweden for 26.000 SEK and is a model for the cover of the magazine "Children's Christmas" in 1911. Probably this fraud conducted by the auction catalog as a model. It has therefore been carried out in 1999 or later.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, 23x28 cm. This painting is quite different from the other seizures. Santa Claus shows a completely different human nature than those Jenny Nyström painted. Likewise, the environment and details very different from Jenny Nyström. The motif is probably a copy of another painting, or part of another painting, done by another artist. It is well made and might have been managed for fraudulent purposes. The signature is very poorly executed and recalls many of the other fakes..

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 23x15 cm. This painting is a copy of Jenny Nyström's Christmas card from 1907, publisher: John Fredriksson's. It is amateurish poorly executed in every detail, including the signature. To enter this painting a watercolor by Jenny Nyström is almost an insult to her.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 20x15 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. Although this painting was made after an original from 1893 and was reprinted in 1903 as Christmas, nr.J/1574, Axel Eliasson's publisher. Also published in 1996 in the newspaper "Merry Christmas" by G. Forsberg-Warringer. This motif is included in an earlier seizure of counterfeits from 5 June 2000. In both cases the paintings as well as signature is very poorly done.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 17x21 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 17x21 cm. This forgery is a copy of small Christmas card, nr.1616 / 1 from 1934, publisher: Axel Eliasson. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The performance is done in the same manner as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström. This forgery is a copy of Christmas card, nr.256 of 1901, publisher: Axel Eliasson. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The performance is done in the same manner as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Paintings as well as signature is very poorly done.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour, signed "Jenny Nyström". Ostensibly depicting a genuine painting by Jenny Nyström. The painting is part of one of the many cases of fraud the police seized in the early 2000's in southern Sweden. After an expert assessment and judgment were declared that the painting is not genuine. It is a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 17x20 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist. Paintings as well as signature is very poorly done.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 22x19 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist. Paintings as well as signature is very poorly done.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed with monogram: JN (Jenny Nyström). Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist. Paintings as well as signature is very poorly done.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 20x31 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The performance is done in the style of the other paintings in the fitting. This is a very well made copy but the details are not well painted. Jenny Nyström's original is a model of an article published in "Children's Christmas Gift" 1927. It was sold in 1987 at auction in Stockholm for SEK 65,000 and 1997 for SEK 83,000.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 22x15 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The design is performed in the same style as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject may be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour, 27x21 cm. A very well-known motif from an original painting, done by the famous Swedish artist Carl Larsson, who used a variety of Christmas card. Forger has copied and distorted the subject by adding the birds in the lower right corner and signed the painting by Jenny Nyström – a very poorly executed signature. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The performance is done in the same manners as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 18x13 cm. A bad copy of a known motif 'egg card”, nr.810 from 1907. The signature is poorly executed. Jenny Nyström's original painting was sold at Bukowski's in Stockholm in May 1998 for SEK 24,000. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. The performance is done in the same manners as the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 15x21 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. This forgery is confusingly identical to the earlier seizures in Stockholm ref: (K35.311-02/Beslag nr.0221-02-1063). The performance is done in the style of the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. The signature is amateurishly executed and attempted to lean the text backwards has failed. Any source of this forgery Can not be found. The subject May be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolor, signed Jenny Nyström, 15x22 cm. Part of a seizure, from 2002, of several Jenny Nyström-paintings. This forgery is confusingly identical to the earlier seizures in Stockholm ref: (K35.311-02/Beslag nr.0221-02-1063). The performance is done in the style of the other paintings in the seizure, quite distant from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. The signature is amateurishly executed. Any source of this forgery can not be found. The subject May be fanciful or from another artist.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, signed Jenny Nyström, 59x89 cm. A classic Jenny Nyström-designs with her typical Santa Claus. Anatomy was one of Jenny Nyström's strengths and here we can see an example of how difficult it is to paint animals, people and parts, especially hands. Both Santa Claus and the horses do not look healthy! A poorly executed forgery and a very bad signature. Jenny Nyström's original is a model for a Christmas card 1921, nr.1171, publisher: Axel Eliasson. The subject has also been issued as Christmas card for many years.

Signature proven counterfeit
Watercolour, snowball fights, signed Jenny Nyström, 28x23 cm. Part of a seizure from the 1980s with paintings of many other famous artists. The performance is far from Jenny Nyström's style and quality. The signature is amateurishly done. Any form for which counterfeiting can not be found. The motif can be fanciful or come from another artist.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine