Jerker ‘Jerker A’ ANDERSSON
1963, Sweden
Also known as: JA
Jerker Andersson is a highly acclaimed Figurative Symbolist, who has been established in Sweden for over fifteen years, following his family’s artistic tradition. His work is represented in over 20 official collections in Sweden amongst others the Swedish National Bank and the Stockholm Cavalry – K1. He also has a loyal following in both London and New York.
His recent collection of work has been inspired by the fragility of life, and the artist has taken up the theme of ‘Memento Mori’, the juxtaposition of life and death, often seen in medieval courtly art.
The inspiration behind his bold and critically acclaimed works is found in the roots of 19th Century Scandinavian Symbolism, natural form, mythology and folk lore of Scandinavian folk art. Although firmly rooted in the figurative tradition his work explores new depths of feelings and untapped energies present in Nature. He has been greatly inspired by 19th Century Scandinavian symbolists, especially the Finnish artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela. This unique combination of influences creates a contemporary feel with a romantic undertone imbued with energy inspired by nature. He paints with oil and watercolour and regularly works with lithograph, copperplate and woodcut. Although he prefers to sculpt in granite, bronze and marble, he also works with wood and steel.
Monumental forms of nature and the enigma of mythology can be seen in his sculpture, whereas his painting is vibrant with bold colour and nature’s energy. It is this energy which has created much critical debate on the development of Swedish modern art. His sculpture seems to combine the sexual energies of Rodin with the purity of the Swedish artist Carl Milles.
Bjorn Widegren, one of Sweden’s leading art critics and cultural commentator on Gefle Dagblad said of Jerker Andersson’s work: “The shimmer of the myth is in these pictures, but also a very deliberate artistic drive. Jerker Andersson is a natural painter who already in the sketches finds an obvious strength… As I said Jerker Andersson is frightened of nothing!”
Solo Exhibitions include:
Myth & Symbolism – The Studio, Chelsea, London
Scandinavian Symbolism – Air Gallery, Mayfair, London
Galleri Per-Ols, Gävle, Sweden
Bollnäs Museum, Sweden
Ekebyhovs Slott, Stockholm
Riksbanken, Stockholm
Konstfrämjandet, Stockholm
Group Exhibitions include:
David Findlay Gallery, New York - Exhibition with Michael Price
Novilla at Skansen, Stockholm - Exhibition with Marten & Monica Andersson
Galleri Haga, Stockholm – Big Sculture Exhibition
Konstfrämjandet, Stockholm - Exhibition with Marten & Monica Andersson
Nykebing Mors, Denmark – Swedish artists invited to Denmark
Bollnäs Museum, Sweden – Artists from Hälsingland
Ljusdals Museum, Sweden - Artists from Hälsingland
Represented in the following collections:
Nalen, Stockholm
Collection of 21 large oil paintings
K1, The Royal Cavalry, Stockholm
Jubilee commission
Riksbanken, Stockholm
Granite sculpture & lithograph work
LRF, Stockholm
Oil paintings
Trygg – Hansa, Stockholm
Oil painting
Bollnäs Church
Oil painting & textile composition
Kilafors Church
Granite sculptural group with fountain
Kilafors School
Granite sculpture
Bollnäs Library
Granite & bronze sculptures
Kvarteret Katthavet, Bollnäs
Granite sculptural groups
NEFAB Head Office, Alfta
Granite & bronze sculpture
Voxna Estate
Granite sculpture
Länsstyrelsen, Gävle
Oil portaits
Foundation Vetenskapsstaden, Stockholm
Three polychrome reliefs in wood
Bollnäs Maternity Hospital
Diabase sculpture
Folkparkernas Head Office, Stockholm
Granite sculpture
Krokanen, Bollnäs
Large scale oil painting
Official Portraits:
Landshövding Hans Hagnell
County Governor of Gästrikland / Hälsingland
Landshövding Lars Eric Ericsson
County Governor of Gästrikland / Hälsingland
Brigadier General Lars Nilsson
Regimental Commander of the Royal Cavalry K1 and the Stockholm Military District
Sven Ohlson
Chairman of the Board at Rundvirke
Official Lithographs:
The Swedish Children’s Cancer Foundation
Presented to the Queen of Sweden
The Swedish Cross Country Skiing Championships
Presented to the King of Sweden
The Swedish Jaquar Club
25th Jubilee Print
Statens Järnväger (Swedish State Railways)
Commemoration Print of the closing down of the engine shed and train repairs in Bollnäs
1985 – 1987
Gerlesborgsskolan, Stockholm
Konstskolan Nybroviken
Source: http://www.freluga.se/jerker/
Jerker Andersson Född i Bollnäs 1963, målare tecknare, grafiker. Uppväxt och skolgång i Freluga Bollnäs. Konstutbildning vid Gerlesborgsskolan, i Stockholm men
är i övrigt självlärd. J A har deltagit i Lifstorpets sommarutställningar 1986-89, Ljusdalsbygdens museum 1987. Utställningar i Bollnäs 1988, -89. Separatutställning på konstfrämjandet 1990 och nu senast tillsammans med Mårten och Monica
på Konstfrämjandet 1992. J A målar gärna föreställande bilder i folkloristisk tradition. Gemenskapen med händelser och föreställningar
i hälsingsk tradition är stor och motivvalet hämtas gärna härifrån. Under senare tid har J A även gett sig på den hårda graniten och överraskade 1992 med stora skulpturer direkt huggna ur stenen. J A är representerad bla. i Bollnäs kommuns samlingar, Folkparkernas riksorg., Arbetsförmedlingen i Bollnäs, S:t Lars kapell.