1978, Sweden

Name Johan FURÅKER
Birth 1978, Sweden
Lived & Active In Malmö, Sweden

Johan Furåker biography:

Furåker's main protagonist is Albert Dadas, a gasworks engineer who lived in Bordeaux in the late 19th century. Through painting, drawing and installation Furåker has recreated the lifestory of Dadas, who, by Phillip Tissié, was diagnosed with the first recorded case of pathological tourism, an uncontrollable urge to wander, as documented in Ian Hacking's book Mad Travellers. Dadas did not remember his journeys, but was able to recollect detailed memories in interviews under hypnosis. It is from these interviews Furåker builds the foundation of this ongoing project. Wikipedia.

Johan Furåker Lives and works in Malmö, SE

2005-2009: MFA, Malmö Art Academy, Malmö, SE
2004-2005: Umeå Art Academy, Umeå, SE
2001-2003: Gerlesborgsskolan, Stockholm, SE

Solo Exhibitions
2012: Paradisus Terrestris, Galleri Flach, Stockholm, SE
2011: The Culture of Fear, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, SE
2011: Le Premier Fugueur (curated by Alexis Vaillant), CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, FR
2010: A Quest to Eliminate Self, Galleri Flach+Thulin, Stockholm, SE
2009: Records of Hypnotic Sleep, ROPA, Stockholm, SE
2009: Ping-Pong Gallery, Malmö, SE
2009: The Pathological Tourist: Albert Dadas, MFA graduation exhibition, Malmö Art Academy, KHM, Malmö, SE
2008: Kiruna Art Society, Kiruna, SE
2007: The Rise and Fall of Fat Steve, Pictura Gallery, Lund, SE

Group Exhibitions
2013: Up East (duo exhibition with Ditte Ejlerskov), Grand Teatret's Minuit Vernissage, Copenhagen, DK
2013: Ping-Pong Gallery, Malmö, SE
2013: Magnum Samlung, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, SE
2013: Polyfoni, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris, SE
2012: In Search of Eden (duo exhibition with Ditte Ejlerskov), CCA Andratx, Andratx, ES
2012: Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, SE
2012: Works from the Sletvold Moe Collection, Kowalski & Hansen, Oslo, NO
2012: Déjà Vu - Contemporary Art from Malmö Art Museum´s Collection, Turku Art Museum, Turku, FI
2011: Painterly Delight II, Ystad Art Museum, Ystad, SE
2011: Without Destination (curated by Markús Thor Andrésson), Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhús, Reykjavik, IS
2010: Tracks, new acquisitions by Malmö Art Museum
(curated by Malin Forsell and Marika Reuterswärd), Malmö Art Museum, Malmö, SE
2010: Painterly Delight, Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, DK
2008: Young Artists, Konsthallen Pumphuset, Landskrona, SE
2007: Crosskick/Plattform#4 (curated by Dr. Martin Engler and Stephan Berg), Hannover Kunstverein, Hannover, DE
2007: Liljevalchs spring exhibition (curated by Maria Lind), Stockholm, SE
2005: Sing Along Your Solo Song, Tapeten Gallery, Visby, SE
2005: Production as Process, Fort Krauss, Verkligheten, Umeå, SE
2005: G60, Umeå, SE
2004: G60, Umeå, SE
2004: FFG, Svenska bilder Gallery, Stockholm, SE

Art Fairs
2012: Market Art Fair (Galleri Flach), Stockholm, SE
2011: Art Copenhagen The Nordic Art Fair, (Galleri Flach), Copenhagen, DK
2011: Market Art Fair (Galleri Flach), Stockholm, SE
2010: Market Art Fair (Galleri Flach+Thulin), Stockholm, SE

CCA, Centre of Contemporary Art, Andratx, ES
CAPC, musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux, FR
Malmö Art Museum, Malmö, SE
Region Skåne, SE
Kiruna City Hall Collection, Kiruna, SE
The National Public Art Council, SE

2013: The Art Grants Commitee in Sweden, 2-year working grant, SE
2012: Malmö cultural support, studio grant, Malmö, SE
2012: Ester Lindahl´s travel grant, SE
2011: Malmö art studio grant, SE
2010: IASPIS, international culture exchange (Bordeaux), SE
2010: IASPIS, international culture exchange (Reykjavik), SE
2010: The Art Grants Commitee in Sweden, 1-year working grant, SE
2009: Malmö cultural support, studio grant, Malmö, SE
2009: Ellen Trotzigs foundation, Malmö Art Museum, Malmö, SE
2008: The Kiruna Grant, Kiruna, SE

2013: The Swedish Insitute's cultural centre, Paris, FR.
2012: CCA, Andratx, ES
2012: Asger Jorn´s Studio, Læsø, DK

2012: Participating in The Hidden Art - ten short films, displayed in connection to the permanent exhibition at Malmö Art Museum, Malmö, SE
2012: Release party and game night for Albert Dadas´s Memory Game at Ping-Pong Gallery, Malmö, SE
2011: Participating in Den Stora Nordiske Malebok. Consisting of 84 drawings donated by contemporary artists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Initiated by Lærke Hein and published by Life Publishing.
2009: Escape Project, Fugue, lecture at Malmö Art Academy, Malmö, SE
2009: Participating in Old News #6 (by Jacob Fabricius), Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, SE, CCA, Centre for Comtemporary Art, Lagos, NG, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, DK


Johan Furåker är en berättare. I ett flerårigt målarprojekt lät han oss följa gasverksingenjören Albert Dada från Bordeaux, på dennes märkliga resor i världen. En serie målningar som kunde ses i sin helhet just i Bordeaux på CAPC, (moderna museet) 2011. Johan Furåker har en Masterexamen från Malmö Konsthögskola 2009.


Johan Furåker har tagit avstamp berättelsen Albert Dadas livsöde, en 26-årig gasverksarbetare i Bordeaux som diagnostiserats som patalogisk turist, och har utifrån den byggt upp ett eget drömskt narrativ med teckningar och målningar. Han har skapat en mycket vacker bild av idén om att alltid vilja dra vidare, av glömska helt befriad från förpliktelser och historia! Bilderna har delvis gamla fotografier som förlaga, men om de verkligen är länkade till den verkliga Dadas saknar egentligen betydelse, för den här berättelsen spinner sin egen väv av inre logik, lika klar eller oklar som Dadas patalogiska resande.
