1887–1985, Belarus/France
Also known as: MCH

Signature proven counterfeit
Graphics, signed "Mark Chagall," Figure with hat, title "Peintre au chapeau", size approx 43x31 cm, numbered 48/50. The painting was submitted to a major auction house in October 2015 for sales. The auction house received a notice indicating that the painting was fake signed. After seizing the painting was examined and was found to be a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Offset color printing, composition, signed "Marc Chagall", size 71x55 cm, numbered 21/200. The painting was for sale at an online auction house in Stockholm, Sweden. The staff contacted police when they suspected that it was a forgery. The investigation concluded that there is a reproduction after an oil painting, but there is no record that it has been published in a numbered and signed edition. Court decision: Examination and expert judgment showed that the painting was a forgery. The painting is forfeited.

Signature proven counterfeit
Mixed media on board, composition with figures, signed "Marc Chagall", approx. 40x30 cm. Ostensibly depicting a genuine painting by the renowned Russian-French artist Marc Chagall (1887-1985). Counterfeit copies produced in Barcelona, Spain. An art dealer in Denmark bought the painting and then tried to sell it as a genuine Chagall painting for 800,000 Danish kroner. The painting was seized by police in connection with another seizure of a Picasso Drawing art dealer who had forged and then tried to sell through a major auction house in London see Picasso PHM4589-02

Signature proven counterfeit
Mixed media on board, composition with figures, signed "Marc Chagall", approx. 40x30 cm. Ostensibly depicting a genuine painting by the renowned Russian-French artist Marc Chagall (1887-1985). Counterfeit copies produced in Barcelona, Spain. A Swedish citizen, along with several associates, during the late 1970's and the early 1980's, visited Barcelona in Spain and by a forger named "Miguel Canals" and his assistants purchased a large number of counterfeit paintings by both foreign and Swedish masters such as Boudin, Corot, Degas, Picasso, Renoir, Chagall and Swedish masters such as Axel Olson, Gustaf Rydberg, Bengt Lindström, Jenny Nyström Olaf Krumlinde, etc. The counterfeits has been very skilfully done. So good that they even misled art experts. For an ordinary person seems these fakes as genuine. The counterfeit copies were transported by a Swedish male courier and his wife. An unknown number of counterfeits has since been sold in Sweden, Denmark, and probably also in Germany. An identical Chagall-counterfeiting was Seized by Police in Copenhagen in connection with another seizure of Picasso drawing that the art dealer had forged and then tried to sell through a major auction house in London see Picasso PHM4589-02

Signature proven counterfeit
Acrylic on cardboard, composition with figures, signed Chagall, 33x24 cm. This painting has no known originals by Marc Chagall as a model. The motif is made up and painted in a style ostensibly trying to emulate Marc Chagall in purpose of misleading the market in the belief that this is a genuine original. Court: The painting is not done by Marc Chagall nor signed by him. It is a complete forgery! The painting is part of a major fraud seizures of counterfeit art in Sweden known as ”The Society of Art Friends”: Three men, aged 30, 37, and 40 years old, were caught in Stockholm, Sweden after a tip off from the police reconnaissance force in Ängelholm, Sweden. Shortly afterwards, another two men were caught. In total, 48 house searches were made through out the nation from which 83 forged paintings were confiscated. Forged art had already been sold for millions of Swedish crowns. Victims of the gang were well known businessmen with considerable incomes. League had good help from educated art experts who have written certificate of authenticity to many of the fake paintings, often at very small remuneration. On a door to a flat in Stockholm the men had displayed a sign with the text “The Society of Art Friends”.

Signature proven counterfeit
Acrylic on cardboard, composition with figures, signed Chagall, 23x18 cm. This painting has no known originals by Marc Chagall as a model. The motif is made up and painted in a style ostensibly trying to emulate Marc Chagall in purpose of misleading the market in the belief that this is a genuine original. Court: The painting is not done by Marc Chagall nor signed by him. It is a complete forgery! The painting is part of a major fraud seizures of counterfeit art in Sweden known as ”The Society of Art Friends”: Three men, aged 30, 37, and 40 years old, were caught in Stockholm, Sweden after a tip off from the police reconnaissance force in Ängelholm, Sweden. Shortly afterwards, another two men were caught. In total, 48 house searches were made through out the nation from which 83 forged paintings were confiscated. Forged art had already been sold for millions of Swedish crowns. Victims of the gang were well known businessmen with considerable incomes. League had good help from educated art experts who have written certificate of authenticity to many of the fake paintings, often at very small remuneration. On a door to a flat in Stockholm the men had displayed a sign with the text “The Society of Art Friends”.

Signature proven counterfeit
Acrylic on cardboard, composition with figures, signed Chagall, 23x17 cm. This painting has no known originals by Marc Chagall as a model. The motif is made up and painted in a style ostensibly trying to emulate Marc Chagall in purpose of misleading the market in the belief that this is a genuine original. Court: The painting is not done by Marc Chagall nor signed by him. It is a complete forgery! The painting is part of a major fraud seizures of counterfeit art in Sweden known as ”The Society of Art Friends”: Three men, aged 30, 37, and 40 years old, were caught in Stockholm, Sweden after a tip off from the police reconnaissance force in Ängelholm, Sweden. Shortly afterwards, another two men were caught. In total, 48 house searches were made through out the nation from which 83 forged paintings were confiscated. Forged art had already been sold for millions of Swedish crowns. Victims of the gang were well known businessmen with considerable incomes. League had good help from educated art experts who have written certificate of authenticity to many of the fake paintings, often at very small remuneration. On a door to a flat in Stockholm the men had displayed a sign with the text “The Society of Art Friends”.

Signature proven counterfeit
Not registered lithography, composition, signed in the plate and stamp signed, numbered 2458/5000, size 62x47 cm. The graphics were for sale at an online auction house in Stockholm January 2014. Police were called when this lithograph was not documented as a work of Chagall. It turned out that the submitter had sold the same graphics with the same motif on four separate occasions in 2013 with different numbering at a total edition of 5000. The selling price had been around 500 euros (approx. 4.500 SEK). The signature stamp had probably been placed on to beautify and give the graphics a greater credibility.

Signature proven counterfeit
5 pcs. Chagall litho counterfeits in a large-scale art forgery case: In 2004 a large-scale art forgery case was exposed during the Salvador Dali centenary exhibition at the Wanha Satama fair centre in Helsinki. The art dealer concerned had forged and sold hundred of Dali graphics as well as graphics of Chagall and some other internationally known artists.

Signature proven counterfeit
Artco Scandinavia -yrityksen omistajan kesäkuussa 2004 järjestämässä Salvador Dalín 100-vuotisjuhlanäyttelyssä Helsingin Wanhassa Satamassa epäiltiin olevan taideväärennöksiä. Havainnon teki ensimmäisenä Ateneumin asiantuntija, joka kiinnitti huomiota painotöiksi paljastuneisiin grafiikantöihin. Poliisi takavarikoi kaikki näyttelyn teokset sekä lisää taidetta Artco Scandinavian varastotiloista. Näyttelyn toiminnassa olivat mukana myös omistajan poika esittelijänä ja myyjänä, entinen vaimo lipunmyyjänä sekä eräs mieshenkilö järjestäjänä ja esittelijänä. Asianosaisina jutussa ovat yrityksen omistajalle teoksia myyneet ja lainanneet kaksi taidekauppiasta, yrityksen omistajan kumppani ja avustajana toiminut mies, Dalín litografioita ostanut ja niitä näyttelyyn lainannut mieshenkilö, teoksia kehystänyt omistajan toinen poika sekä asiantuntija Kuvasto ry:stä. Lisäksi todistajana oli Dalí-näyttelyyn mm. teosten hintalappuja tehnyt mies. Dalín töinä esitetyt teokset toimitettiin tutkittavaksi Gala- Salvador Dalí -säätiöön Espanjaan. 145 teoksesta 95 vedosta todettiin olevan peräisin aidoiksi katsottavista painossarjoista ja 50 vedosta signeeraamatuiksi jäljennöksiksi. Lopuista 248 työstä 184 todettiin olevan peräisin epäaidoksi katsotuista painossarjoista ja 64 työssä signeeraus oli väärennetty. Näyttelyssä oli esillä myös muiden tunnettujen taiteilijoiden töiksi väitettyjä teoksia: Rembrantin (2 kpl), Braquen (8 kpl), Chagallin (16 kpl), Légerin (6 kpl) ja Mirón (11 kpl). Lisäksi Pablo Picasson teoksiksi esitetyistä kymmenestä työstä lähetettiin lausuntopyyntö Picasso Administrationille Pariisiin. Osa paljastui väärennöksiksi. Teos oli myynnissä hinnalla 5 400 €.

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit

Signature proven counterfeit
Folder with 8 (eight) unframed lithographic sheets in one package. composition with figures and animals, signed "Marc Chagall", numbered 14/50. Ostensibly depicting genuine paintings made by Marc Chagall. The folder was part of a major seizure of counterfeit lithographs by the same forger. After the investigation became all lithographs judged as counterfeit.

Signature proven counterfeit
Folder with 8 (eight) unframed lithographic sheets in one package. composition with figures and animals, "La Nymphe bleu", signed "Marc Chagall", numbered 30/50. Ostensibly depicting genuine paintings made by Marc Chagall. The folder was part of a major seizure of counterfeit lithographs by the same forger. After investigation, all lithographs judged as counterfeit.

Signature proven counterfeit
Folder with 8 (eight) unframed lithographic sheets in one package. composition with figures and animals, "La Nymphe bleu", signed "Marc Chagall", numbered 20/50. Ostensibly depicting genuine paintings made by Marc Chagall. The folder was part of a major seizure of counterfeit lithographs by the same forger. After investigation, all lithographs judged as counterfeit.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine