1839–1906, France

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil painting signed "P.Cezanne" unclearly dated -98, approx. 52x36 cm. Ostensibly picturing a genuine painting by the renowned French artist Paul Cezanne. This painting should not be associated with Paul Cezanne. Painting technique is simple and rough, volumes and colors do not match the famous French artist's way of painting. The painting has been seized by police and after examination been assessed as a forgery.

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, landscape scene with figures, indistinctly signed, approx. 73x75 cm. Ostensibly depicting a genuine painting by the renowned French artist Paul Cezanne. The painting is part of a major fraud seizures of counterfeit art in Sweden known as: ”The Society of Art Friends”. The painting belonged to a businessman "NN" who died in 1987. In his estate were two forged paintings. This Cezanne and a counterfeit Joan Miro

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine