1943, Sweden
Also known as: UG

Signature proven counterfeit
Oil on canvas, titled "Blue Interior" 47x36 cm. The painting is provided with a false signature. Forger leveraged the painting in a pawnshop, January 2007, for 5,000 Swedish kronor.. The painting was found to be a forgery and was seized by police. On the back of the painting is the inscription: "Ulf Gripenholm, Blue Interior 1987". Submitter (forger) occurs in police records previously in similar fraud context. The painting has been demonstrated for Ulf Gripenholm and he finds that someone tried to emulate his painting. Court: The signature must be removed. On målninges back is written that "the painting is not an original work of Ulf Gripenholm" then will the painting be returned to the owner. Warning! There is a risk that the painting once again get a forged signature and comes out on the market.

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine

Signature considered genuine