1937, Poland

Name Waldemar SMOLAREK
Birth 1937, Poland
Lived & Active In Canada

Waldemar Smolarek started to paint with old 9 years as an autodidact. He studied then painting at the school of Art of Warsaw rue Mysliwiecka until 1953, then in progress private individuals with Z. Tomkiewicz and A. Kobzdej both professors with the Academy of the Art schools of Warsaw and continued to improve with eminent professor, the great painter W. Sliwinski. During I\' year 1972 Smolarek was profressor (in continuous education) At taught in I\' Université of the Colombia-British. (BC) in Canada. II studied and lived in Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, England, the United States of America. today he lives and works in Canada, Vancouver (BC). Colombia-British.
Works of Smolarek were exposed in all Europe, in the United States and Canada. They are present in many private collections (Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld has some) and public, in particular with the museum of Modern art of Miami.