1949, Belgium

Name William SWEETLOVE
Birth 1949, Belgium

Klonede hunde og geder lyser op i rød og gul. William Sweetlove spiller på det overfladiske, og stiller det skarpt op i mod det opfindsomme. Gennem en række variationer over samme tema, skaber han gnidninger mellem det overfladiske og det substantielle. Grænsen mellem legetøj og kunst udviskes i nogle af hans værker, hvor pudler, giraffer og pingviner forenes med dadaisme, surrealisme og popkunst i en post-modernistisk syntese.
William Sweetlove blev født i 1949 i Ostende, Belgien. I tre år har han været medlem af det norditalienske kunstnerkollektiv "The Cracking Art Group".
Det grundlæggende materiale i kunstnernes værker er sort plast, fremstillet via en termo-kemisk reaktion på råolie. Denne reaktion, der er kendt som "cracking", er også oprindelsen til gruppens navn. I gruppens manifest opfordrer ”The Cracking Art Group” deres medlemmer til at sprede en vision om en anden verden gennemtrængt af ironi og økologisk bevidsthed.
Kunsten skal, ifølge William Sweetlove, være modgiften mod overforbrug og overproduktion. Hans malerier og skulpturer reproducerer kunstnerens indtryk af tilværelsen med materialer som polyester og tekstiler.
William Sweetlove former sin egen verden.

Source: http://www.galeriebirch.com

Cloned goats and dogs radiate red and yellow. Sweetlove thrives on the superficial, placing it in razor-sharp contrast to the sententious. Through a number of variations on the same theme he creates friction between the artificial and the substantial, completely obliterating the boundaries between toy and work of art in certain of his works. This is a world in which poodles, giraffes and penguins are rendered into artefacts which unite dadaism, surrealism and pop art in a common post-modernistic synthesis.
 William Sweetlove was born in 1949 in Ostende, Belgium. Since 2001 he has been a member of the artists’ collective “The Cracking Art Group” in northern Italy.
 As the physical medium that provides the basis for their works of art, the members use a type of plastic produced via a thermo-chemical reaction in crude oil. This reaction, known as “cracking” is also the origin of the group’s name. In their manifesto the Cracking Art Group call upon their members to spread a vision of the world suffused with elements of irony and ecological awareness. To those, Sweetlove adds the conviction that art must also be an antidote to overconsumption and overproduction. His paintings, sculptures and assemblages are his impressions of existence reproduced in materials such as polyester, animal hides and textiles. 
William Sweetlove shapes his own world.

Source: http://www.galeriebirch.com